By: Russell G. Ryle
Publisher: Arcadia
Release date: August 14,
128 pages with over 200
images of life along the Ohio River. River related images from
the towns of Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Rising Sun, Patriot, Vevay, and Madison,
Indiana; Petersburg, Warsaw, Carrolloton, and Ghent, Kentucky; and other
landings in between. Also includes a steamboat pilot's navigation
chart of the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Louisville from the early
1920's. All illustrate life and times along this stretch of the Ohio
River before it was changed forever by dams and other more modern improvements.
1 Boats of the Packet Era
2 Cities and Towns Along the Way
3 Cincinnati to Louisville by Packet
4 Cargoes and Commerce
5 Fun on the River
6 The Big Ice That Cleared The River
7 Floods
8 Dams That Tamed The River
9 After the Packets Were Gone
Individual copies are available by mail
from the author at $18.99 each plus $4.50
for shipment by priority mail or $1.50
for slower book rate service.
(Indiana residents, please add
5% sales tax.)
Send check or money order to:
P.O. Box 2466
Bloomington, IN 47402
Inquiries welcome by e-mail:
Quantities are available from the publisher
to commercial accounts. Please inquire for pricing, shipping, and
availability. Visit their web site at:
The sounds of the river
in the packet boat era.
(Release date October 16, 2000)
The classic sounds of the Str. Avalon (now the Belle of Louisville) and her whistle, bells, engines, and more plus twelve classic tunes played on her "steam piano".
Based on a 1961 recording with Clark
C. (Doc) Hawley at the keyboard.
We have negotiated the rights to distribute
this classic LP as a CD.
It is one of the best recordings ever
made of the steam calliope and the sounds of a river steamer. We hope to
be able to help preserve this heritage and share it with our fellow river
enthusiasts in the near future. Professionally mastered and reproduced
with the help and cooperation of the heirs of Golden Crest Records who
made the original recording.
Individual copies available at $15.99
each plus $4.50
for shipment by priority mail or $1.50
for slower first class service.
(Indiana residents, please add
5% sales tax.)
Quantities are available from
to commercial accounts.
Please inquire for pricing, shipping,
and availability.
We Have Acquired The
Last Remaining
20 Copies
OF The Original LP
from the heirs of Golden Crest Records - mint as pressed in 1961!
Same contents as the CD listed above.
While they last! 10 remaining
- one to a customer, please.
$24.99 each plus $4.50 for priority
mail shipment
Indiana residents, please add 5% sales
Send check or money order to:
P.O. Box 2466
Bloomington, IN 47402
Str. Belle Of Louisville
Current information on cruises and activities of the oldest working
operating today. Originally built as the Idlewild in 1915, she
spent years tramping the river before becoming the Str. Avalon based in
Cincinnati, Ohio in 1948. CD and LP listed above recorded while she
was based in Cincinnati. Rescued from the scrap heap in 1962 and
restored, she is the finest example of an old time working steamboat operating
today. Never modified to include bow thrusters or other modern gadgets,
she cruises the Ohio River only powered by her stern wheel. Reasonably
priced daily trips in season from the Public Landing at Louisville, Kentucky
with fall cruises up river to Madison. An absolute must ride if you
ever can.
Delta Queen Steamboat Company
Operators of the Str. Delta Queen, Mississippi Queen, and America Queen.
These are the last remaining cruising stern wheel boats with overnight
accommodations. A bit pricey, but a great way to see the inland waters
including the Mississippi, the Ohio, and most other navigable rivers that
empty into both.
Organizations, Groups, And Web Sites Dedicated to Steamboats:
Sons And Daughters
Of Pioneer Rivermen
Founded in 1939, its membership is open to all interested in studying,
experiencing and preserving our river heritage. Publishes the quarterly
magazine, "S & D Reflector". Helps operate museum including restored
Str. W. P. Snyder at Marietta, Ohio where it holds its annual meeting each
September. A great place to visit with folks from all over the world
interested in steamboats.
The story of the saving of and history of the Str. Delta Queen including
personal accounts from those involved with her over the years.
Site has a
wonderful bulletin board for sharing your stories and inquiries.
A great place for anyone interested in steamboats to hang out, share information,
or ask others for theirs.
See information on our past river adventures under their Delta Queen
crew and friends section.
Has direct link to steamboat book site.
Return To Top Of Page.
Site updated: March 22, 2001
Note: Still recovering from major orthopedic surgery, so there may be
slight delays in getting back with you, but we will be in touch
as soon as we can.
Thanks for your patience. Russ